Green Integration Company Ltd

  • Kihonda -Bima near Morogoro Airport
  • +255 713 - 306 - 868
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About us

Green Integration Co. Ltd is a privately-owned Agricultural company based in Tanzania. Established in 2019 and officially registered on January 30, 2020, the company specializes in innovation and dissemination of Agricultural technologies to help farmers improve their efficiency. Green Integration Co. Ltd is dedicated to the fabrication and distribution of Agro-technologies such as farm machinery, organic Agro-chemicals, drip irrigation systems, Greenhouses construction, post-harvest technologies and other related farm inputs.

Furthermore, Green Integration Co. Ltd actively contributes to the dissemination of farming knowledge and skills through intensive capacity building programs, ensuring the empowerment and growth of farmers. The company offers comprehensive agricultural consultations and advisory services to farmers and various stakeholders along the food and agribusiness value chains.


Meet Our Technical Advisory Team

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Why Us

Our Root in Agriculture

Agriculture is important sector because make us provide people with fresh produce, enhance food security, and ensure people’s health by providing them with safe and nutritious produce. The company intends to bring together the local community with their expertise and experience, government and the development partners to create vibrant national economy by unveiling available potentials and creating sustainable business opportunities through investing in agriculture sector.