Green Integration Company Ltd

  • Kihonda -Bima near Morogoro Airport
  • +255 713 - 306 - 868

Kilimo tija event

On June 6, 2024, Green Integration conducted a project introduction workshop in Kilosa district of Morogoro and June 7,2024 in Kilolo district of Iringa where the workshop involved various stakeholders including LGAs officers, extension officers, farmers, financial institutions, agro -traders, agro-dealers, transporter 

  Project Manager Herman Ntunwa presented in details the main objectives of the project. There was different engagement from stakeholders including asking questions, giving suggestions and contributions on the best and useful approach in implementing an impactful project.

Testimonies Stories from the involved stakeholders 

    farmer 1 "We thank Green Integration for this opportunity because we had no idea about modern agriculture irrigation systema and now we are aware of that, we make a believe that through Kilimo Tija Project we will produce more and improve our income and livelihood"

  farmer 2 "Green Integration cares about us that is why they come with NMB Manager so as to elaborate on how a farmer will get financial support, a farmer fails to engage in production due to his/her financial constraints but from now we are going to make it"

Through Kilimo Tija Project, Green integration will ensure farmers increase production, get new modern ways of storing onion, engaged in capacity building trainings and help them to search for market as one of the challenges mentioned after harvesting.

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+255 713 - 306 - 868

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