Green Integration Company Ltd

  • Kihonda -Bima near Morogoro Airport
  • +255 713 - 306 - 868

Mlali farm scheme

June 13 Kilimo Tija organized an event at Mlali farm schemes in Morogoro region. The event involved farmers, financial institutions, extension officers, fertilizer companies, seed research companies, irrigation installation companies, pesticides and fungicide dealers. 

Agricultural companies were invited to hands on train farmers on modern ways of farming from nursery stage to post harvest where financial institutions explained on financial matters.

  Green Integration were invited and had an opportunity to introduce services they offer in agricultural industry, especially Agri-technologies includes Drip irrigation systems, greenhouses and screenhouses, post-harvest handling and agro consultancy to ensure sustainable agriculture so as to increase productivity, income and food. See figure below


fig1. Mlali farm event

The event was resounding success by bridging the gap between farmers and industrial specialists, the event contributes significantly to the advancement of sustainable and profitable farming practices in the community.



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+255 713 - 306 - 868

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