Green Integration Company Ltd

  • Kihonda bima_ near Morogoro Airport
  • 0713306868

Nane Nane exhibition 2024

The Nanenane exhibition is an international event held in Tanzania to commemorate the founding of farmer's day, celebrating achievements in Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries sectors. It was demonstrated from August 1st to 8th each year aiming at displaying and demonstrating various technologies related to Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, including innovations, technologies, and practices that accelerate in improving productivity and sustainability in Agricultural sector.

Green Integration Company Ltd participated in farmer's event from 2nd -10th august 2024 at Nzuguni Nanenane grounds in Dodoma. The company had a chance to show and share the advancement services and product we offer in agricultural sector and its innovated post-harvest handling technologies.

The company showcasing the modern ways of farming to farmers that will result to high yield including drip irrigation systems, sprinkler irrigation and center pivot system, greenhouses/screenhouses, together with  agro_consultant services. The company got a huge engagement with farmers, that accelerated to increase in customer base

The Nanenane event served as a crucial platform for knowledge exchange, networking and showcasing products and services that could drive agricultural growth. Green Integration Company Limited likely played a role in demonstrating how innovative solutions can address the challenges facing the agricultural industry in Tanzania and beyond.

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