Green Integration Company Ltd

  • Kihonda-Bima near Morogoro Airport
  • 0713306868

Research and Innovation of AOST

   Research and Innovation of Airflow Onion Storage Technology for Reducing Post-Harvest Loses in Horticultural Crops.

The development of the Airflow Onion Storage Technology (AOST) as a prototype for reducing postharvest losses and enhancing onion storage in Tanzania is a significant breakthrough in agricultural technology. Here's a structured outline of proof about the technology and its read lines for incubation and scaling:

    Research and Development

  •  Background:  The research focused on postharvest losses of bulb onions during the storage stage, particularly the economic impact of Tanzania
  • Innovation Budget: The research and innovation of AOST costed about TZS 45 Million, which was funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
  • Research Findings: The research identified significant such as inadequate ventilation, high humidity, and temperature fluctuations


 Prototype Development and Testing:

  • Prototype Design: A prototype of the AOST was developed and tested in various regions of Tanzania
  • Regions Tested: The technology was tested in  Singida, Morogoro, Arusha and Iringa regions.
  • Results: Testing demonstrated significant improvements in onion storage, including reduced spoilage and extended shelf life (recorded onion post-harvest losses 11.9%, 3-6 months extended onion shelf life).


    Economic and Food Security Impact

    • Economic analysis: The technology showed potential for economic benefits by reducing postharvest losses and increasing the availability of quality onions in the market. The result indicates that, the investment of AOST is economically viable with positive Net Present Value (NPV) of 1,184,574; Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) of 1.7 and Internal Rate of Return (IRR)of 44%.

      Food Security: By extending the shelf life of onions, the technology contributes to enhanced food security in the regions tested.


      Readines for Incubation and Scaling:

      • Prototype Success: The successful development and testing of the prototype indicate readiness for further incubation and scaling
      • Potential Partners: Potential partnership with agricultural organizations, development partners, farmers, and government agencies could facilitate the widespread adoption of AOST.
      • Scaling Strategy: A clear strategy for scaling includes training farmers on technology use, expanding manufacturing and establishing distribution network

         Innovation ,adoption and Scaling

        The AOST is a promising technology that addresses key challenges in onion storage and postharvest losses

        Its successful testing in various regions demonstrates its viability and potential for large-scale implementations.

        With further support and investment, the technology can be incubated and scaled to benefit the broader agricultural sector in Tanzania and potentially other regions with similar challenges.


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