Green Integration Company Ltd

  • Kihonda-Bima near Morogoro Airport
  • +255 (0) 713 306 868

USAID, Kilimo tija (Horticulture) Productivity


Green Integration is implementing a three (3) years project "April 2024-March 2027", the project worthy TZS 1.2 billion co-funded with USAID FEED THE FUTURE KILIMO TIJA (HORTICULTURE)PRODUCTIVITY.

The project broad objective is to empower youth and women in horticulture market system. The geographic zones of interest to carry out this project is in Morogoro, Kilosa District, and Iringa, Kilolo District as the areas are fully occupied by smallholder farmers who mainly engaged in horticulture chain as their main economic endeavor. The project expects to extend its impact to about 1,400 farmers in the target aforementioned project area.

The project proposed thematic areas of interventions includes but not limited to;

i) Capacity building and technical assistance

ii)Access to modern farming and post-harvest handling technologies including, the drip irrigation technology, Screenhouses and Airflow Onion Storage Technology(AOST)

iii)Supporting farmers access to Agri-financial services, and

iv)Farmers support in market access and linkages

The project ensures climate smart agricultural practices in production and social gender inclusion for sustainable farming and project sustainability.



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